改几个初中英语的句子错误+简要原因We do not kow that we can do about it .Mother asked me where will I go the next day.In the end of this term,the school will organize a summer camp.The large number of people in China are learing English now.The result based on a lot of experiments.My little sister asked me do not leave her alone at home.It was the second time in two years that we have seen the night face to face.I was not go downstairs util the window had to be shut.I


We do not kow that we can do about it .
Mother asked me where will I go the next day.
In the end of this term,the school will organize a summer camp.
The large number of people in China are learing English now.
The result based on a lot of experiments.
My little sister asked me do not leave her alone at home.
It was the second time in two years that we have seen the night face to face.
I was not go downstairs util the window had to be shut.
I have truoble with getting along with my classmates at the moment

嗯、 句子中都有一出错误、指出并且改正。 今天晚上8点以前就要玩吖、蒽蒽。谢谢吖 1、where do they live ? 2、she’s from Japan . 3、I

1 that--what 句子缺少宾语
2 where will I——what I would 时态不一致 语序也不对
3 In--At at the end of the term学期末
4 The---A a large number of people很多人,后面谓语用复数
5 based前面加is be based on根据,以...为基础
6 do not----not to ask sb not to do sth请求某人不要做某事
7 have后面加not
8 was not----did not/didn't not…until…直到……才
9 with---in have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难

1.We do not kow 【what 】we can do about it .(宾语从句,know是及物动词,需要接内容,而do也需要有内容,连接词只能是what了)2.Mother asked me where I 【would】go the next day.首先.从句中不可用疑问语序,其次,...