4.-( )leave at the end of this month .-I don't think you should do that until ( )another job.A.I'm going to;you'd found B.I'll;you'd find C.I'll;you'll find D.I'm going to;you've found为什么不能用i'll?


4.-( )leave at the end of this month .
-I don't think you should do that until ( )another job.
A.I'm going to;you'd found B.I'll;you'd find
C.I'll;you'll find D.I'm going to;you've found

老美都这么说,be going to 表示计划。

Be going to 和will do区别
在表行动计划时,Be going to 和will do 有区别
Be going to 表 说话人对未来行动的计划或打算,通常指事先考虑,并已为此行动做了些准备
Will do 表说话那刻做出立即的决定,通常指没有事先考虑,没有准备
Han Meimei: The bell is ringing.
(1) Li Lei : I am going to open the door .
(2) Li Lei : I will open the door.
(1) 李雷 : 我正打算去呢。你不说我都要去开门了)
(2) 李雷 : 我马上去啊。
米林英语词汇网 Be going to 和will do区别
此题,说话人明显在说话前就已经考虑和打算了,选be going to

be going to do 和will都有表示即将做某事的意思,但是两者有细微的差别,be going to含有打算或计划好做某事,will没有这个意思,比如说电话铃声响了,我要去接电话,应该用will,因为你事先没想到电话会响的。will的话,多用于时间、条件等从句。

D I'm going to将要离开 you've found 现在完成时是指直到你已经找到另一份工作 B和C的.I'll是可以 但是后面错了

是应该选D,因为这句话的意思是:——我打算在月底离开了.——我认为你应该找到另一份工作后再离开. be going to 表示打算做某事.而will表示按部就班地去做.until you've found another job是做时间状语从句的,它应该...

be going to 表示打算做某事。即我打算月底离开
you'd=you would 表示将来可能 即我认为你应该找到另一份工作再离开