英语翻译吉姆是一个十岁大的小男孩,他父母在黑山海湾旁经营一家旅馆.有一天,旅馆来了一位脸上带着刀疤、高大结实的客人,他就是比尔船长.吉姆非常喜欢听比尔船长讲故事,那些听起来挺吓人的经历让吉姆又爱又怕.过了一段时间,比尔船长死在了旅馆中,吉姆无意间发现比尔身上带着的一张藏宝图.于是吉姆和他的伙伴们在金银岛寻宝的故事就此展开.Jim is a ten years old boy,his parents ran a hotel near the Gulf of Montenegro.One day,the hotel came with a scar on his face,the tall and strong guests,he is captain Bill.Captain Jim very much like to listen to Bill tell stories,that sounds very scary experience for Jim Scared.After some tim


Jim is a ten years old boy,his parents ran a hotel near the Gulf of Montenegro.One day,the hotel came with a scar on his face,the tall and strong guests,he is captain Bill.Captain Jim very much like to listen to Bill tell stories,that sounds very scary experience for Jim Scared.After some time,Bill captain died in a hostel,Jim Bill inadvertently found the body of a treasure map with.So Jim and his partners in the story of Treasure Island treasure hunt begins.

有语法错误第一句是对的,接着应该这么写one day , a tall and strong man with a scar on his face came (into the hotel),he is captain Bill. Jim liked to ask Bill to tell him stories which are frightening .Jim enjoyed the stories but was also afraid.After some time,Bill captain died in a hotel. Jim found a treasure map from Bill,so the story about Jim and his friends finding the treasure in the Treasure Island begins.

Jim is a ten-year-old boy, his parents run a small hotel Montenegro gulf side. One day, the hotel is a face with scar, tall, he is strong guest captain bill. Jim likes to tell a story, captain bill that sounds frightening experiences that Jim and love and fear. After a long time, bill captain died in the hotel, Jim stumbled upon bill with a treasure map. Then Jim and his friends in the story finds treasure island.

his parents ran a hotel near the Gulf of Montenegro、这里不能用ran ,要用run,这里不存在过去时态the hotel came with a scar on his face,the tall and strong guests,he is captain Bill这一句,你不能只按照中...
