20.It is no ____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.


20.It is no ____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.
A use B help C time D way
21.Put the ____ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you produce the sound.
A tip B top C peak D pole
22.It is beyond my ____ to search the criminal’s house,for I haven’t got permission from my superior.
A energy B power C force D ability
23.The two parties held the talk in a friendly _____ and reached an agreement.
A atmosphere B state C situation D phenomenon
24.According to news reports,personal _____ of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble.
A wealth B possession C matter D problem
25.---Paul has gone abroad to try his luck.
--- In my _____,his decision is not wise.
A word B view C sight D way
26.Nowadays,few people form the habit of keeping a supply of candles in the house in case of power _______.
A drop B lack C absence D failure
27.The financial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult ______.
A occasion B condition C evaluation D situation
28.---What do you think of the project put forward by the Blacks?
---Considering its real ______,it will be well worth putting into practise,I suppose.
A reward B prize C cost D value
29.The lawyer advised him to drop the ____ since he stands little chance to win.
A case B event C incident D affair
30.A person of great ______ usually can achieve his goal.
A instruction B information C determination D recognition

20.A no use doing sth.表示做啥都没用了,bill就是这么固执,就是不会改变主意╮(╯_╰)╭
21.A tip of tongue 舌尖 把舌尖抵上牙发此音
22.B beyond my power 超出我的职权范围
23.A 友好的氛围 D的话指了不起的现象之类
24,B possession拥有 这句话说美国个人携带枪支的现象
25.B “我的观点”用view
26.D power failure电力故障
27.D situation 形势,境况
28.D 就项目价值来看
29.A 撤销案件 drop the case
30.C 有大决心大毅力的人一般能达成目标.