1,While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope ,Newton made ( ) discovery which completely changed ( ) man's


1,While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope ,Newton made ( ) discovery which completely changed ( ) man's understanding of colour.
A,a;/ B,a; the C,/;the D,the;a
2,In1910the world was shocked by a particularly cold-blooded murder.H.H.Crippen was ( ) American doctor who worked in London.
A,a B,the C,an D,some
3,Many people are still in ( ) habit of writing silly things in ( ) public places.
A,the;the B,/;/ C,the;/ D,/ the
4,Summer in ( ) south of France are for ( ) most part dry and sunny.
A,/;a B,the;/ C,/;/ D,the;the
5,AS a rule,domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid ( ) .
A,by the hour B,by hour C,by an hour D,by hours

1,While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope ,Newton made ( ) discovery which completely changed ( ) man's understanding of colour.
A,a;/ B,a; the C,/;the D,the;a
2,In1910the world was shocked by a particularly cold-blooded murder.H.H.Crippen was ( ) American doctor who worked in London.
A,a B,the C,an D,some
C 他是一个美国医生,是众多美国医生中的一个
3,Many people are still in ( ) habit of writing silly things in ( ) public places.
A,the;the B,/;/ C,the;/ D,/ the
C the public公众 public place是公共场合
4,Summer in ( ) south of France are for ( ) most part dry and sunny.
A,/;a B,the;/ C,/;/ D,the;the
D 在什么方位用in/to/on +the 方位
5,AS a rule,domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid ( ) .
A,by the hour B,by hour C,by an hour D,by hours