请帮小弟修改下这篇文章的语法和单词错误Honey, I miss you, miss you and hold together, wash your face with you brush your teeth every day to sleep, but also to kiss you and you have to go shopping, you see how the stars are beautiful, I'm good Want to be the brightest one, you are the moon You're so wonderful. I love you fever, I know your favorite expression is.“文章”的作者大概是想说 “我喜欢你”的意思,简而言之,是封情书。劳驾各位,顺着他的意思往下改成符合语法的英文,加分言谢


Honey, I miss you, miss you and hold together, wash your face with you brush your teeth every day to sleep, but also to kiss you and you have to go shopping, you see how the stars are beautiful, I'm good Want to be the brightest one, you are the moon You're so wonderful. I love you fever, I know your favorite expression is.
“文章”的作者大概是想说 “我喜欢你”的意思,简而言之,是封情书。劳驾各位,顺着他的意思往下改成符合语法的英文,加分言谢

Honey, I miss you, miss you so much, and I want to hold you in my arms.Do remember to wash your face and brush your teeth before you go to bed every day. I also want to kiss you but you have to go shopping. You can see how beautiful the stars are, and I would like to be the brightest one. You are the moon. You are so wonderful. I love you forever. I know your favourite expression is "I love you". 猜着你的意思帮你改的!


Honey,I miss you,miss you and hug you,wash face with you,brush your teeth every day before sleep,and also kiss you.you should go for grocery.you can see how beautiful the stars are.I'm good,and want to be the brightest start.you are as pure as the moon.you're so wonderful.I love you forever.I know what your favorite expression is.
楼主 语文要加强加强先.

- -好吧,孩子,你这篇文章问题太多了,,,,,读都读不通啊。。。你中文想表达的意思是什么?