

(1)My head often hurts.
I often( )a( ).
(2)Which singer du you like best?
( )is your( )singer.

1、(1)my friends prepared a surprise party for me.
(2)we shall have some delicious food on christmas Eve.
(3)let me tell you the story of this race.
(4)Afterwards,let 's go to the concert.
(5) Why don’t we have some food in restaurant instead.
(6) I think we should raise some money for them.
(7) you will teach me how to make scones.
2、(1) I ofen have a headache .
(2) which is your favorite singer?
3、(1) what should we buy for birthday party?
(2)what do you think of buying two same coats?
(3)let's go to Peter's home.
(4)Excuse me, I have to do some other things.

一1.My friends prepared a surprise party for me.
2.We shall have some delicious food on christmas Eve
3.Let me tell you this story of race.
4.Afterwards,let 's go to the concert.
5.Why don't we have some food in a restaurant instead?
6.I think we should raise some money for them.
7.Will you teach me how to make scones?
二 1.I often(have )a(headache ).
2.(Who )is your( favorite )singer.
三 1,What should we buy for the birthday party ?
2.What do you think of /about buying two same coats?
3.Let's go to Peter's.
4.I'm sorry ,but Ihave some other things to do .

1. A party my friends prepared for me suprises me.
2.We shall have some delicious food on Christmas Eve
3.Let me tell you the story of this race
4.Let's go to the concert afterwards
5. why don't we have some food in a restaurant instead?
6.I think we should raise some money for them.
7.You will teach me how to make scones.
1. I often have a headache
2.what is your favourite singer.
1.What we should buy for the birthday party?
2. What do you think about buying two same cloths?
3.Let's go to Peters'
4.Excause me, I should have to do some other things.

2.(1)have,headache (2)what ,favorite
3.We should for birthday party buy some what things?
(2) do you think buy two of the same coat?
(3) we go to Peter home.
(4) sorry, I want to do some other things

my friends prepared for a party surprise me .
on christmas eve we shall have some delicious food.
let me tell you the story of this rece.
afterwards, let's go to the concert.
why don't we have some food instead in a restaurant?
i think we should raise some money for them.
you will teach me how to make scones
(1)My head often hurts.
I often( have )a( headache ).
(2)Which singer du you like best?
( who )is your( favorite )singer.
what we should buy for the birthday party?
what do you think of buying two same coats?
let's go to peter's home.
exceuse me, i have to do other things.

1.my friend prepare a surprise party for me.2.we shall have some delicious food on christmas Eve.
3.let me tell you this story of a race.4.let us go forward to concert.5.

1、连词成句(1)friends,me,my,surprise,a,party,prepared,forMy friends prepared a surpraise party for me.(2)have,we,delicious,shall,some,on,food,Christmas,EveWe shall have some delicious food on Chri...

My friends prepared a surpraise party for me.
We shall have some delicious food on Christmas,Eve .
let me tell you the race of this story
let's go to the concert afterwards
why don't we have some food in a restaurant instead
i think we should raise some money for them
how will you teach me to make seconds
(1)My head often hurts.
I often(have )a(headache ).
(2)Which singer du you like best?
(who )is your( favorate )singer.
what should we buy for the birthday party?
what do you think i buy two similar caots?
let's go to the peter's
i'm sorry ,but i have some other things to do