


1. Can you just take back that "sorry" you said before, that only makes me feel more guilty.
2. Can you take back what you said please? That makes me feel more guilty and vulnerable.
3. Maybe I am not mature enough.

You can take the sentence sorry? It will only let me more guilty
You can take the sentence? It will only let me more guilty
Maybe I'm really childish

I'm sorry you can recover the original sentence do? Nazhi makes me even more guilty
Can recover the original sentence you do? Nazhi makes me even more guilty
Maybe I really am naive Bar

Can you take back SORRY that you said to me, it just makes me feel more guilty.
Can you take back that word you said to me,it just makes me feel more guilty.
Maybe I am really naive.

可以要求你收回你那句对不起吗?那只会让我更愧疚=Would it be alright to ask that you take back your apology?That will only make me feel more guilty (That will only make me feel worse)
请收回你那句对不起,它只让我感觉更糟=Please take back your apology,it only makes me feel worse
或许我真的很幼稚吧=Maybe I really am very childish.