英语翻译IM interaction are infused with a level of serendipity and the possibility of chance encounters online that are unique to the medium.Some applications allow users to set a status of "hidden." Even though you can not tell they are online,they might suddenly send you a message.You can send a message to someone who is logged in,but perhaps she is away from her computer.Maybe she is in class or otherwise occupied but hasn't set her status to show that


IM interaction are infused with a level of serendipity and the possibility of chance encounters online that are unique to the medium.Some applications allow users to set a status of "hidden." Even though you can not tell they are online,they might suddenly send you a message.You can send a message to someone who is logged in,but perhaps she is away from her computer.Maybe she is in class or otherwise occupied but hasn't set her status to show that.

