在将来,机器人会给我们的生活带来巨大的变化,未来人们生活中很多事情将由机器人来完成,如做一些家务、购物、做饭以及不出门就能看医生等.怎么用in everyone's home,do housework,Cook,different shapes,come ture写一篇题目为How Will robots change our life的作文?


在将来,机器人会给我们的生活带来巨大的变化,未来人们生活中很多事情将由机器人来完成,如做一些家务、购物、做饭以及不出门就能看医生等.怎么用in everyone's home,do housework,Cook,different shapes,come ture写一篇题目为How Will robots change our life的作文?

In the future,everything will be changed a lot.I think robot will work as poeple in everyone's home.And I think they will finish their job well.Robots may be able to do a lot of things.For example,The...