有几道简单的阅读题需要解决文中absent from 改为absent 对句子的意思会有什么影响?How are you all keeping?这句话还可以用什么句子代替?Aren't you lucky?为什么要这么写?第1句~A:How is you sun today?第2句~B:He is very well ,thanks.第3句~A:was he [absent from] school last week?第4句~B:Yes,he was.he was absent on Monday,Tuesday.[How are you all keeping?]第5句~A:well thanks.we are going to spend 3 days in the country.we are going to stay at my mother's for the week-end.第6句~B:Oh.[Aren't you lucky?]


文中absent from 改为absent 对句子的意思会有什么影响?
How are you all keeping?这句话还可以用什么句子代替?
Aren't you lucky?为什么要这么写?
第1句~A:How is you sun today?
第2句~B:He is very well ,thanks.
第3句~A:was he [absent from] school last week?
第4句~B:Yes,he was.he was absent on Monday,Tuesday.[How are you all keeping?]
第5句~A:well thanks.we are going to spend 3 days in the country.
we are going to stay at my mother's for the week-end.
第6句~B:Oh.[Aren't you lucky?]

1.absent from 改为absent,句子意思会有可笑的大变化,表示他把学校整个弄空了,好象不知道用的什么手段,把学校的人都弄走了,现在学校空无一人
2.这句是问健康的,就是这些天来身体好吗?可以直接简化成how are you these days?

问题1:文中absent from 改为absent 对句子的意思会有什么影响?
be absent from ...没有上课。
问题2:How are you all keeping?是什么意思?这句话还可以用什么句子代替?
how are you?/How is everything? 你好吗?
问题3:Aren't you lucky?是什么意思?为什么要这么写??
Aren't you lucky,are you?,的缩写形式。加强语气!"你好幸运啊!“

你好朋友:问题1:文中absent from 改为absent 对句子的意思会有什么影响? absent是缺席的意思.如果把from去掉,这个句子不通哦.absent和from十一个词组,比如说:“i was absent from school” 也就是我没有去学校的...
