怎样改英语简单句?这里有几题,(最好说一下怎么改)1.We didn't go out for a walk because it was raining.We didn't go out for a walk_____ _____ the rain.2.He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep.He was _____ ____ ____ go to bed.3.I don't know when we will begin the work.I don't know ____ ____ ____the work.还有,复合句呢?怎么改?


1.We didn't go out for a walk because it was raining.
We didn't go out for a walk_____ _____ the rain.
2.He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep.
He was _____ ____ ____ go to bed.
3.I don't know when we will begin the work.
I don't know ____ ____ ____the work.

1.because of
2.too excited to
3. when to begin
because it was raining,we didn't go out for a walk
So excited,he couldn't go to sleep
Not kowning, we will begin the work

1.We didn't go out for a walk (because of) the rain.
2.He was (too excited to) go to bed.
3.don't know when to start the work.

1.because of 后面接名词
2 too excited to 太兴奋了而不能
3.when to start

1.改写成:because of
2.too excited to
3. when to begin

一般形式是疑问词加动词不定式.例如where to go
1.because of(后面加名词)
2.too excited to(too……to固定形式)
3.when to begin