1.Mike is the________(one,frist)form the right.(选择适当的数词填空)1.Mike is the________(one,frist)form the right.2.There are________(seven,seventh)people in my family.I'm the two,second)son of my father.3.There are_______(twenty,twentieth)classrooms in our school.My claaroom is on the three,third)floor.


1.Mike is the________(one,frist)form the right.(选择适当的数词填空)
1.Mike is the________(one,frist)form the right.
2.There are________(seven,seventh)people in my family.I'm the two,second)son of my father.
3.There are_______(twenty,twentieth)classrooms in our school.My claaroom is on the three,third)floor.