英翻中,机翻勿扰:Identifying CollaboratorsIdentifying CollaboratorsThe Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) facilitates partnershipsbetween first and second year students and U-M faculty and research scientists.All schools and colleges of the University of Michigan are active participants.UROP pays student wages,provides academic credit options,and manages paperwork.See for more information.The U-M also provides access to an international databa


英翻中,机翻勿扰:Identifying Collaborators
Identifying Collaborators
The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) facilitates partnershipsbetween first and second year students and U-M faculty and research scientists.All schools and colleges of the University of Michigan are active participants.UROP pays student wages,provides academic credit options,and manages paperwork.See for more information.
The U-M also provides access to an international database maintained by the Communityof Science to help identify potential collaborators at the U-M and nationally.Details are on the U-M research website under "Funding Opportunities Databases" at .

确定合作者本科研究机会计划(UROP)促进一及二年级的学生、UM教职员及科研人员之间的伙伴关系.所有密歇根大学的学院都是积极的参与者. UROP给学生支付工资,提供学分作选择和管理的文书工作.参见,以便了解更多信息.U...