请问大家怎么填写Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)?我在填写一所美国大学的招生表,有一项Date of Birth -------(MM/DD/YYYY),但是我按08/29/1995填,跳出来一个方框:The system does not understand the date you entered.Type the date using format specified in your personalization settings.Or use the calendar button to pick the date.我觉得格式没错,但是为什么会有这个框呢?我应该怎么填呀?


请问大家怎么填写Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)?
我在填写一所美国大学的招生表,有一项Date of Birth -------(MM/DD/YYYY),但是我按08/29/1995填,跳出来一个方框:
The system does not understand the date you entered.
Type the date using format specified in your personalization settings.Or use the calendar button to pick the date.