英语翻译The Translation of Brand NamesAbstracts:China's entry into the WTO and the consequent liberalization of commerce and distribution have dramatically increased competition on the Chinese market.To face the new challenge,both domestic and foreign companies need to build their brand names and reinforce links with their clients in that brand names are an important part of the products in advertisement,the first thing about a product the potential buyer


The Translation of Brand Names
Abstracts:China's entry into the WTO and the consequent liberalization of commerce and distribution have dramatically increased competition on the Chinese market.To face the new challenge,both domestic and foreign companies need to build their brand names and reinforce links with their clients in that brand names are an important part of the products in advertisement,the first thing about a product the potential buyers remember is perhaps its brand name.This article tries to survey on the translation of the brand names of the export products by domestic companies from two aspects:the principles and the methods.
If Chinese products want to participate in the international market,and compete with the foreign goods,besides high quality,reasonable price,elegant package,a brand name with distinguished
characteristic and that can easily arise people's desire for purchase seems to be very important.And here are several principles and ways for translating the brand names of the export products.
1 The Principles for Translating the Brand Names of Export Products.
1.1 The translated brand names should respect the national feelings,and convey pleasant associations.
Different nations have different customs and cultures,so people in different countries inevitably have different value concept and consume psychology.As we know,many brand names are neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but meanwhile pejorative in English culture.“白象牌电池”,“ 蝙蝠牌电扇”are well cited examples.In English white elephant is often used metaphorically to refer to something "useless,seldom used,or too costly to be worth maintaining”.Bats are associated with blindness and madness,as shown by the idiomatic expressions "as blind as a bat" and "to have bats in the belfry" (to be crazy or eccentric).Moreover,bats are also associated with blood sucking in Western cultures.In legends and fairy tales popular in western countries,
bats are described as capricious and wicked creatures.“龙”is a legendary creature,having positive associations in Chinese culture.It occurs in many Chinese brand names.However,dragon in English is often used metaphorically to refer to a formidably fierce,cruel person,especially a woman.
Quite different from the western people,the Chinese designers and manufacturers often adopt brand names that create pleasant images in people's mind.For instance,winter sweet—“红梅”,the brand name of camera or gourmet powder,creates an image of beautiful flowers in winter with snow and ice as the background.Orchid,for example,“兰花”(a kind of quit cover),is dear to the Chinese people.It symbolized purity,nobility and the unsullied character in Chinese culture.Bamboo is straight and ever green and thus becomes the symbol of modesty,indomitability and unyielding integrity.In Chinese culture.