急求!英语高手帮忙,求翻译下面这段对话,可以追加悬赏!In November, 53 cities out of a pool of 70 major cities recorded higher new home prices than a month earlier, up from 35 in October, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics.Meanwhile, total housing sales surged 9.5 percent year-on-year to 5.35 trillion yuan ($850.83 billion) in the first 11 months, up from a rise of 5.6 percent seen in the January-October period, according to the NBS.On Thursday mornin


In November, 53 cities out of a pool of 70 major cities recorded higher new home prices than a month earlier, up from 35 in October, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics.
Meanwhile, total housing sales surged 9.5 percent year-on-year to 5.35 trillion yuan ($850.83 billion) in the first 11 months, up from a rise of 5.6 percent seen in the January-October period, according to the NBS.
On Thursday morning, Xinhua reporters saw hundreds of people lining up outside a housing transaction center in Beijing's suburban Fengtai district. Many were there to make their housing purchases officially legal.
"Such large crowds were not seen earlier this year or even during the same period last year," said one of the center's employees.
不要翻译器 up from 35 in October, 这句话翻译不通顺

去年11月,53个城市从一个池的70个主要城市的房价更高的新记录比一个月前,从35 10月,据统计从国家统计局。与此同时,房屋销售总额较上年同期上涨了9.5%至5.35万亿元人民币(合8508.3亿美元)的前11个月,从增长5.6%见官期间,根据国家统计局。周四上午,新华社记者看到数以百计的人在外面排队房地产交易中心在北京的郊区丰台区。许多人来让他们的购房正式法律。“这么大的人群没有看到今年早些时候甚至在去年同一时期,“说,该中心的一个员工。


In November, 53 cities out of a pool of 70 major cities recorded higher new home prices than a month earlier, up from 35 in October, according to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics.
Meanwhile, total housing sales surged 9.5 percent year-on-year to 5.35 trillion yuan ($850.83 billion) in the first 11 months, up from a rise of 5.6 percent seen in the January-October period, according to the NBS.
同时,与去年同期相比,房产成交上升9.5%为5.35万亿元(8508,3亿美元) 前11个月,一至十月期间上涨了5.6%,国家统计局发布。
On Thursday morning, Xinhua reporters saw hundreds of people lining up outside a housing transaction center in Beijing's suburban Fengtai district.
Many were there to make their housing purchases officially legal.
"Such large crowds were not seen earlier this year or even during the same period last year," said one of the center's employees.


.内部工作人员透露 今年从喂出现如此大的客流量甚至去年同期也没有出现过 .
