问五道高中英语语法题,1.Everything is not easy,____?A.isn't it B.is it不太懂2.The boy ought to be punished,____?A.ought to he B.should heC.ought not he D.ought not to he不太懂3.He may bring my books,____?A.mayn't he B.mustn't he C.can I D.will I为什么4.It was the teacher ____ I respected very much.A.who B.that C.which D.with whom但我觉得这道题 不是 强调句型 而是定语从句 应该选 B 或 C5.The problem ____ has happened is not known to me.A.that B.what C.whether D.if这句话是什么从句呢 我觉得是定语从句 选A B what


1.Everything is not easy,____?
A.isn't it B.is it
2.The boy ought to be punished,____?
A.ought to he B.should he
C.ought not he D.ought not to he
3.He may bring my books,____?
A.mayn't he B.mustn't he C.can I D.will I
4.It was the teacher ____ I respected very much.
A.who B.that C.which D.with whom
但我觉得这道题 不是 强调句型 而是定语从句 应该选 B 或 C
5.The problem ____ has happened is not known to me.
A.that B.what C.whether D.if
这句话是什么从句呢 我觉得是定语从句 选A B what

第五道题可以说一说 定语从句缺主语