几道英语题(速度!~追分)今天要!①(1)sea lake river long high beach island mountainLast summer, I went to an _____. We went by boat . The _____ was beautiful and blue. We went to the _____every day and swam.(2)My cousins and I went to Huangshan(黄山) last summer.It is a _____.It is very _____.Then we went to a _____in Hangzhou(杭州).(3)Iwent to the USA to see my aunt. There is a_____near her house.It's very_____.②(1)Wow!Yourhair is _____.It's _____ than mine.Yes,but my h



sea lake river long high beach island mountain
Last summer, I went to an _____. We went by boat . The _____ was beautiful and blue. We went to the _____every day and swam.
My cousins and I went to Huangshan(黄山) last summer.It is a _____.It is very _____.Then we went to a _____in Hangzhou(杭州).
Iwent to the USA to see my aunt. There is a_____near her house.It's very_____.

Wow!Yourhair is _____.It's _____ than mine.
Yes,but my hair isn't the _____.
Her hair is the _____.She's also _____than me.
Yes.She's very tall.

例题(1) This is my mother. She has the______ (mother妈妈) in the________________.
-longest hair/family
-makes/healthiest food
(baby宝贝) This is my boby.She's_______
-youngest person/family ____________________________
-smallest eyes/biggest mounth ____________________________
-loudest baby/world ___________________.

-cleanest placde/world
-quietest place/the Earth
-not many people live here
-oldest trees.prettiest birds/singing
-high mountains/can go climbing
This is the land of my dreams. It is the________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

题目:Complete each question with the'er' or 'est'form of the world in brackets. Then answer each question.
(1)Which season is the_____?(cold)
(2)What is the_____lake near your city?(big)
(3)Is the Changjiang River_____than the Yellow River?(long)
(4)What is the _____city in China?(big)
(5)Which season is the_____?(wet)
(6)Which is the _____temple in your city?(old)
(7)Which season is the_____?(dry)
(8)Is China_____ than the USA?(big)
(9)What is the _____ mountain the world?(high)
(完毕!打得我好辛苦 所以你们帮帮我 追多少分你们说吧!)

①(1) island sea beach
(2) mountain high lake
(3) river long
②(1) long longer longest
(2) longest taller
③ 看不懂
④ cleanest place in the world. the quietest on the earth ,there are not many people living here.also there are old trees and singing birds.I can go climbing high mountains everyday
⑤(1) coldest
(2) biggest
(3) longer
(4) biggest
(5) wettest
(6) oldest
(7) dryest
(8) bigger
(9) highest

1.island,sea,beach ;
3.river long ;long longer longest
4.longest hair, family
coldest biggest longer biggest
wettest oldest dryest bigger highest

island sea beach mountain high lake river long
long longer longest
longest taller

1:island,sea,beach 2:mountain,high,lake3: river long
② long longer longest
(2) :longest longer③ 例题,(longest hair), family
例题2:this is my baby ,she is the youngest person in the family .④ This is the land of my dreams. It is the cleanest place in the world⑤ (1)coldest (2)biggest(3)longer(4)biggest(5)wettest(6)oldest(7)driest(8)bigger(9)highest

⑴island lake beach
⑵mountain high island
⑶river long

⑴long longer longest
⑵longest taller
③longest hair /family
youngest person in the family
④cleanest place in the world

(1)Which season is the coldest?(cold)
(2)What is the biggest lake near your city?(big)
(3)Is the Changjiang River longer than the Yellow River?(long)
Yes it is.
(4)What is the biggest city in China?(big)
(5)Which season is the_wettest_?(wet)
(6)Which is the oldest_temple in your city?(old)
(7)Which season is the_driest_?(dry)
(8)Is China_biger than the USA?(big)
No it isn't
(9)What is the highest mountain the world?(high)
_Everest( 珠穆朗玛峰)