为什么倒装句有部分倒装和完成倒装?完全倒装原:The Second World War came in 1939. 倒:In 1939 came the Second World War.原:Some advertisements about cars are there. 倒:Here are some advertisements about cars.部分倒装原:I think little he is a spy. 倒:Little did I think he is a spy. 原:Theory can be separated from practice in no way. 倒:In no way can theory be separated from practice.部分倒装里为什么是把can这种助动词提前啊?


原:The Second World War came in 1939.
倒:In 1939 came the Second World War.
原:Some advertisements about cars are there.
倒:Here are some advertisements about cars.
原:I think little he is a spy.
倒:Little did I think he is a spy.
原:Theory can be separated from practice in no way.
倒:In no way can theory be separated from practice.


倒装句分全倒装和部分倒装一般是表时间或地点的介词短语放句首(如上面的In 1939 Here) 需全倒装,即把谓语动词提前就是所谓的全倒装.而半倒装则是由否定副词放句首 如Little (意为很少,不是很小)In no way 引起的...