have egg on sb's face是什么意思RT,最好给出几个例句.


have egg on sb's face是什么意思

have egg on your face
  Meaning:to be embarrassed.尴尬
  爱美的女孩子大概都知道鸡蛋可以用来做美容面膜,但被人扔一个鸡蛋在脸上可就不妙了,你可以想像那会是个多么令人尴尬和难堪的场面,至此,我想你也就不难明白have egg on your face 这个习惯用语是什么意思了.
  我们来看看这个用法的词源:This phrase refers to the embarassment you feel when the eggs you are eating for breakfast end up on your face.
  (当你在吃早餐是,结果鸡蛋弄到了你的脸上,你就会感到很尴尬,have egg on your face 就是从这引申过来的.)
  Example:I made a deal with Jack and ended up with egg on my face.( 我和杰克做个交易,结果却害得我出了洋相.)
  Jim really had egg on his face after he lost the bicycle race to a 10 year old girl.
  (Jim 在比赛中输给了一个10岁的女孩,他感到很没面子.)