关于英语改句子的一些题 1、I walk to school every day.(改为同义句)2、I am going to see a picture show.(改为一般疑问句)3、Driver's drive on the left side in English.(改为一般疑问句)4、My home is far from here.(用where提问)就这些了


1、I walk to school every day.(改为同义句)
2、I am going to see a picture show.(改为一般疑问句)
3、Driver's drive on the left side in English.(改为一般疑问句)
4、My home is far from here.(用where提问)

1 I go to school on foot. every day
2Are you going to see a picture show?
3Dose Driver's drive on the left side in Englis?
4Where is your home from here?

1、I go to school on foot every day.
2.Are you going to see a picture show?
3.Do drivers drive on the left side in English
4 Where is your home?