


If there is another life, I will be a tree which is standing there forever without sorrow or happiness. Half of my body keeps in the soil, half flying in the wind; half stand the shade, half into the sunshine. i will be silent but proud, never depending and never looking for anything.

If there is an afterlife, to be a tree, stand in eternity, no and posture.Half of the soil in the serene, half of the dust in the wind, half on shade, half of the sun bathing, very silent and very proud, never rely on never find.

If there is next life,I would want to be a tree.Standing in eternity without any posture of happiness and sadness.Part of me,shall rest in the soil,peacefully ,another part of me ,shall stay in the world ,feeling the wind ; Half of me shall be hiding in the shade ,another half of me shall be bathing under the light of sun.Silent but proud and never have to rely anyone nor to find anything.
大概这样吧?@.@ 我的英文不算太好~