


LI Shi's "Fushoushan Spring" in describing the more than 100 people, of which stick to the land Li Furen, indifference and selfishness Liu Jin who are in town, the heart of the native three figures such as Zhou's image in the LI Shi Jiang's fine portrait of Yueranzhishang

Li Shi Jiang had portrayed more than a hundred characters in his work ‘Fu Shou Chun’. Among them there were Li Fu Ren, who held steadfastly to his land; the apathetic and selfish Liu Jia Jing and Zhou Shi, who craved for her county home in spite of her presence in town; these three characters vividly came alive under the fine and masterly depiction of Li Shi Jiang.

Li Shijiang described more than 100 characters in "Happy Health Spring", and in his article charcterize the kerner keli Fu who sticks stubbornly to the land , the indifferent selfish about Liu Jia and as well as the person Zhou whose body is not only in the city, howerer his heart are stll in local and miss their people , as a result , under the Li Shijiang's fine portray has described three character images which appears gloriously on the paper .

LI Shi jiang "Fushouchun" in describing the more than 100 people, of which stick to the land Li Furen, indifference and selfishness Liu jiajin who are in town, the heart of the native three figures such as Zhou's image in the LI Shi Jiang's fine portrait of paper.

Lishijiang describes more than one hundred figures in "Fu shou chun".Including lifuren who adheres to his lands,Liujiajin who is very inhospitality and selfish and Mr.zhou who lives in city but whose ...

over a 100 people were described by Li Shi Jiang in "Fushouchun", in which three images are vivid on the paper, they are Li Fu Ren who sticks to the land, Liu Jia Jing who is indifference and selfishness and Zhou's who is located in city while her heart was belonging to county.