not only...but also后面是doing还是do 如果是加doing由什么决定 如果加do后面是什么决定的not only...but also 后面是doing还是do 如果是加doing由什么决定 如果加do后面是什么决定的


not only...but also后面是doing还是do 如果是加doing由什么决定 如果加do后面是什么决定的
not only...but also 后面是doing还是do 如果是加doing由什么决定 如果加do后面是什么决定的

do 由后面的内容决定!

都可以有,看时态,由谓语动词决定,举个例子,They are not only drinking but also eating now他们又在吃又在喝,又比如,They were not only sang but also danced yesterday他们昨天唱歌跳舞

1.Mom not only cooks meals but also washes clothes in house.
2.She is not only singing song but also playing the piano.

not only 要倒装 ...but also 不用倒装
如:not only do i work hard ,.but also i do well in doing sports.

给你详细用法,好好看看哈 主要用法就是谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”,Not only the students but also the teacher was invited.不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了.-------------------...