这件衣服打八折销售 英语怎么说?1 这件衣服打八折销售 2 这件衣服降价30% / 涨价30%3 每件衣服售价90元 英语怎么说?谢谢


这件衣服打八折销售 英语怎么说?
1 这件衣服打八折销售
2 这件衣服降价30% / 涨价30%
3 每件衣服售价90元

1This dress allow 20 percent sales
2This dress 30% reduction
The dress up to 30%
3Each clothes for $90

1.This dress allow 20 percent sales
2.his dress 30% reduction(降价)
The dress up to 30%(涨价)
3.Each shirt sells for $90

打八折是 20% discount

have a 20 percent discount

1.This dress sells at a 20% discount.
2.This dress is 30% off.
The price for this dress has gone up by 30%.
3.Each dress sells for 90 yuan.