英语翻译This is an empirical question that has two opposing predictions.On the one hand,we expect an affirmative answer because,as we argued in the previous section,accrual-based related sales management,when compared with cash-based relatedsales management,sends a stronger alarm to auditors because of the potential risks ofbad debt exposure.This substitution effect between cash-based related sales andaccrual-based related sales may actually extend to oth


This is an empirical question that has two opposing predictions.On the one hand,
we expect an affirmative answer because,as we argued in the previous section,
accrual-based related sales management,when compared with cash-based related
sales management,sends a stronger alarm to auditors because of the potential risks of
bad debt exposure.This substitution effect between cash-based related sales and
accrual-based related sales may actually extend to other accruals management items.
This is consistent with the finding in Graham et al.(2005) that to avoid scrutiny,
managers choose real earnings management that burns up real cash flows over
accrual earnings management that draws the attention of the auditors.The managers’
preferences for the mix between taking accounting versus real actions to manage
earnings are a function of the costs of the real actions and the level of regulators’ and
auditors’ enforcement against accrual management.Thus,to the extent that the
subsequent cash transfer is not excessive and does not attract auditors’ scrutiny as
much as accruals management,cash-based related sales can substitute not only
accrued related sales management but also total accruals management.

ofbad债务敞口。这个替代效应(现金andaccrual-based之间相关销售相关销售实际上可能扩展到其他收益管理项目。这是符合这个发现在格雷厄姆et al。(2005),以避免审查,管理者选择实际收益管理被烧毁的真正的现金流overaccrual收益管理吸引审计师的注意。'preferences经理为混合会计与真实之间采取行动manageearnings是一个函数的成本真正的行动和水平的监管机构andauditors“执法与权责发生制管理。因此,在某种程度上,thesubsequent现金转移不是过度和不吸引审计师的审查与收益管理,销售可以替代不相关(现金onlyaccrued相关销售管理但也总收益管理。

这是一个用经验判断的问题,有两个对立的预测。一方面,我们期待一个肯定的回答,因为我们认为在前面的小节中,应计制相关销售管理,当与relatedsales(现金管理、发送一个更强的闹钟,审计人员因为潜在的风险ofbad债务敞口。这个替代效应(现金andaccrual-based之间相关销售相关销售实际上可能扩展到其他收益管理项目。这是符合这个发现在格雷厄姆et al。(2005),以避免审查,管理者选择实际收益管理被烧毁的真正的现金流overaccrual收益管理吸引审计师的注意。'preferences经理为混合会计与真实之间采取行动manageearnings是一个函数的成本真正的行动和水平的监管机构andauditors“执法与权责发生制管理。因此,在某种程度上,thesubsequent现金转移不是过度和不吸引审计师的审查与收益管理,销售可以替代不相关(现金onlyaccrued相关销售管理但也总收益管理

影响可延伸至其他应计项目.这(个回答)和Graham et al.(2005)
定的 .那么,从后续的现金转换额(就是收回的应收账款)不会差
补充一下,accrual-based related sales cash-based related
sales management要是按字面说应计收入 和 现金收入也可以,一样的意思,权责发生制与收付实现制是会计上的说法