does anyone have any questions they'd like to ask the new committee


does anyone have any questions they'd like to ask the new committee
questions 后面的句子是做questions 同位语成分吗还是什么其他成分

句子成分划分:Does 【anyone主语】 【have谓语】 【any questions宾语 】【they'd like to ask the new committee?定语从句,省略关系代词that】与动词ask 用法有关——ask sb sth 问某人某事情句意:任何人有什么问...请问I'd like credit provided the terms are reasonable 这里的provided是做什么成分 为什么用被动呢 怎么翻译呢 谢谢I'd like credit provided the terms are reasonable =I'd like credit provided 【that】 the terms are reasonableprovided 【that】如果还是不懂 provided 在这里是做条件状语吗完全正确!引导条件状语从句,provided (that)语义等同于if.I'd like credit provided 【that]】the terms are reasonable句意:如果价钱合理的话,我愿意赊销。 provided (that)=ifcredit赊销terms价钱(常用复数)关于这一用法,你看看语法书的【状语从句】部分,都有。在这样的句子里很难看出动词的过去分词是做定语还是状语,怎样才能很好的看出来呢一般过去分词在句子中作状语不是都用逗号隔开的吗?你理解错啦!这里是provided = providedthat,或者说providedthat 后面省略了that。provided that 如果;条件是;倘若 。用来引导状语从句。