英语翻译嗨,兄弟最近过得怎么样,我想在已经在去*的路上了,九月下旬会回家,你如果有时间,来我家玩.记得再来信的时候多发点照片.爱你想你的兄弟 多多保重.


爱你想你的兄弟 多多保重.

hi man,
how is going on with you? i think you have benn on the way to tibet. i will be back home in the middle of next month. if time permits, come to my home and remember to take some pictures of tibet along.
sincerely yours

HI, brother.
What's up recently? I have on the way to Tibet. I will be back home in late September. If you are free,you must come to visit me. Remember give me more photographs in your next letter.
the brother loving and missing you, take care youself.

Hi buddy,
What's up?I'm now hitting the road to Tibet,and will be back around Sept.Come drop by if you have time.Remember to attach more pics when you write again.
Love you and miss you.Take care.

Hey, brother.
recently off the way I would like to have the road to Tibet, in late September will return home If you have the time, come to my house to play. Remember another letter from the point of multiple photographs.
You want to love your brother to take care