补充对话.(每空一词)A:Good morning.B:_____ ______A:I'm a new student in this school.B:Welcome ________ our ________.A:Thank you.May I know you name?B:_______ Lin Tao.A:_______ _______ ______ ______B:Nice to meet you,too.A:Where's the teacher's office,please.B:It's_____ _____.____ _____,please.


A:Good morning.
B:_____ ______
A:I'm a new student in this school.
B:Welcome ________ our ________.
A:Thank you.May I know you name?
B:_______ Lin Tao.
A:_______ _______ ______ ______
B:Nice to meet you,too.
A:Where's the teacher's office,please.
B:It's_____ _____.____ _____,please.

  1. Good morning.

  2. to,school.

  3. I'm

  4. Nice to meet you.

  5. over there.Follow me.



1:good morning 2: to school 3: yes 4: nice to meet you 5:our teacher is office

A:A:Good morning.
B【A:Good morning.】
A:I'm a new student in this school.
B:Welcome _【to】 our 【school】_.
A:Thank you.May I know you name?
B:_【I’m】_ Lin Tao.
A 【Nice to meet you】
B:Nice to meet you,too.
A:Where's the teacher's office,please.
B:It's【on the second floor (这里没有提示)】please.