The gesture for OK,making a circle with one's huumb and index finger,has different meanings请问这里的making a circle with one's huumb and index finger,在整个句子中做什么成分?


The gesture for OK,making a circle with one's huumb and index finger,has different meanings
请问这里的making a circle with one's huumb and index finger,在整个句子中做什么成分?

making a circle with one's huumb and index finger楼主是不是打错了,是thumb吧,不是huumb....
你问的这个成分在句中充当同位语,和the gesture for OK是对等的。

你打错了吧 应该是thumb大拇指吧
做making a circle的伴随状语 making a circle with one's thumb and index finger这整个一句才做同位语