帮忙分析一下这句话的句子成分~包括什么修饰什么 做什么成分.the students from shanghai review English every evening in the reading-room on the second floor


帮忙分析一下这句话的句子成分~包括什么修饰什么 做什么成分.
the students from shanghai review English every evening in the reading-room on the second floor

the students 是主语,from shanghai 是主补,review是谓语,English是宾语, every evening 是时间状语, in the reading-room on the second floor是地点状语

the students是主语
from shanghai是定语,修饰the studengts,
review 是谓语
English 是宾语
every evening in the reading-room on the second floor都是状语

上海的学生每天晚上都在二层的阅览室复习英语。主语the students from shanghai ,谓语和宾语review English ,其他做时间状语和地点状语

the students from shanghai 作主语,review 谓语 English 宾语 最后一部分为状语(时间+地点)
from shanghai 为介词短语作定语修饰前面的名词the students

from Shanghai 修饰主语 the students
review 谓语
every evening 时间状语
in the reading-room 地点状语
on the second floor 地点状语