作文写be going to 结构,英语,要求1 条理清晰,用词得当,2 不少于5句话写一写周末到了,你有什么安排?看电影、去书店、还是.........你打算和谁去?写一写你的打算,一篇小短文


作文写be going to 结构,英语,
要求1 条理清晰,用词得当,
2 不少于5句话

I am going to have lunch/do homework/swim/drink water/go walk
主语+be going to+do

Our future occupation(就是职业的意思)
Today our class hold a discussion about our ideal job(理想职业)Everyone in the class gave a presentation(发言).Our moniter(班长)said that he would like to be a teacher and he is going to study hard on every subject.Li Lei who likes to play football said he wanted to be a football player and He is going to take exercise everyday.LI Ming is a big fan of computer He would like to be a computer programe disigner and he is going to learn computer lessones.Han Meimei,a cute girl,said she wanted to an acter so she is going to take proformance class.We had a really interesting free talking class(*发言课)