英语补充对话A:(),sir?B:I want to borrow a book.A:()?B:I want to borrow a story book.A:OK,here you are.()library?B:Here you are.()?A:You can keep the book for 2 weeks.B:Thank you.


B:I want to borrow a book.
B:I want to borrow a story book.
A:OK,here you are.()library?
B:Here you are.()?
A:You can keep the book for 2 weeks.
B:Thank you.

Can I help you
which kind of book do you prefer?
Do you have a card of this
And,How hong can I keep

1.Excuse me
2.Which kind of book do you want to borrow?
4.How long can I keep it?
你是不是打错了,怎么一下子出现两个Here you are啊??

Can I help you ,sir
What kind of the book do you want to borrow
Your library
How long can I keep this book

A:(May I help you),sir?
B:I want to borrow a book.
A:(What kind of book)?
B:I want to borrow a story book.
A:OK,here you are.(May I have a look at your card of the)library?
B:Here you are.(How long I can keep the book)?
A:You can keep the book for 2 weeks.
B:Thank you.