用特殊疑问词填空/size shirt and trousers do you wear?And/ color do you like?/is the young man in blue over there?Is he a teacher?/did the Europeans first discover America?In /century?/do they think about the streets and aquares in the United States?/do you like the weather here in England in autumn?/office workers are these in the steel piant in Chicago?


/size shirt and trousers do you wear?And/ color do you like?
/is the young man in blue over there?Is he a teacher?
/did the Europeans first discover America?In /century?
/do they think about the streets and aquares in the United States?
/do you like the weather here in England in autumn?
/office workers are these in the steel piant in Chicago?

(What )size shirt and trousers do you wear?And(what )color do you like?(Who )is the young man in blue over there?Is he a teacher?(When ) did the Europeans first discover America?In (which ) century?(W...