A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries?我要写论文,哪里有关于中西方餐桌礼仪文化差异的资料啊。


A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries?


In America,before the coming of guests,the host never serves more than 6 dishes.Sometimes,the dishes prepared for guests are extremely simple.The Americans hope their guests are joyful.Meanwhile,they think that invitation is just an occasion for intercourse,a chance of the maintenance of friendship.And the most important is to get much useful information by entertainment.Influenced by this idea,entertainment in America hardly attach importance to food,but also have various and free ways of entertainment.They create a relaxed,comfortable and delighted air for their guest in a thousand and one ways.They want to make their guest enjoy that good time freely.When the feast starts,the Americans are also warm to guests,urge guests to drink and eat,but only once or twice.They consider saying too much world force their views on others.It does not conform to the way one gets along with people.At last,the Americans like to have some pastries and drink coffee.The coffee spoon is not used to pound the sugar cube into pieces.The spoon is only used to stir the coffee.And do not scoop up coffee dipper and dipper.When people drink coffee,they eat some pastries.They do not take pastry in one hand,and hold coffee in another hand.Drinking does not alternate with eating.Otherwise,people will feel they are greedy.In addition,people do not add sugar to coffee for others.It is impolite to add sugar without knowing others' taste.
On common occasions,the last names are used on the table except when there is more than one guest with the same surname,in which case "Mr.Tom Wolf" and "Mr.Jake Wolf" are written to make the distinction.If there are no place cards,the hostess will tell guests where she would like them to sit.Guests' setting would be arranged with men and women alternating on either side.The host leads the way for the guest.The hostess is always the last to go into the dining room.Men should hold chairs for the women on their right.The male guest of honor,even through he has escorted the hostess' left seat her.Women sit down as soon as they find their place,even through the hostess remains standing everyone is at his or her chair.Men do not sit down until the hostess is seated.When there is more than one table,the host should sit at one table and the hostess at another.A good friend may be asked to act as surrogate host at another table and see that wine is served or plates refilled.Furthermore,husbands and wives are usually separated at a dinner.Since they have the opportunity to talk together all the time,having a different dinner partner offers the chance for comfortable conversation with people other than their own spouses.
In America,When you have finished your meal,place all used utensils onto your plate together,on the right side,pointed up,so the waiter knows you have finished.Do not place used utensils on the table.
Except in a public restaurant,do not ask to take some uneaten food or leftovers home,and never do so when attending a formal dinner.A host may suggest that extra food be taken by the guests,but should not insist.
Leave the napkin on your chair only if leaving temporarily.When you leave the table at the end of the meal,loosely place the used napkin on the table to the left of your plate.
Wait for your host or hostess to rise before getting up from a dinner party table.
Thank your host when leaving a dinner party.
Once dessert,after-dinner coffee,or the equivalent is served,be wary not to overstay your welcome.The party who first wishes to end the event should rise and say something like,"This has been such a nice evening.We hope we can see you again soon."