英语翻译有统计数据显示,中国儿童经济每年都以超30%的在速度在增长.在儿童消费“高速奔跑”的这种大环境下,记者发现,大多数家长和儿童都存在不同的节日消费误区.  教育界人士认为,儿童节,为人父母者无不希望给自己的孩子送上一份礼物,这也是人之常情.但作为家长应该意识到,礼物不完全等同于礼品,不一定非得要贴上价格标签,更不是价格越高的礼物就越好.究竟什么样的礼物,或者选择怎样的方式过六一节对孩子更合适且更有意义,在这个问题上虽然没有一定之规,但至少应该要有一个基本的前提,那就是既能让孩子满意,又要有利于孩子的身心健康.家长们常常以为满足了孩子的物质需求就是给他带来了快乐,而要让孩子过一个开心难忘的儿童节,真正考验的是父母的创造力、育儿观念和用心的爱.



Educators think children's day, as parents all hope to give their children a send gift, this also is only human. But as parents should be aware of, a gift is not completely equal to gift, need not be to affix the price tag, more is not the higher the price gift is better. What kind of gift, or choose what kind of way LiuYiJie more suitable for children and more meaningful, on this issue YiDingZhiGui although do not have, but at least should have a basic premise, that is already can let the child satisfied, and be helpful for the child's physical and mental health.
Parents often thought to meet the child's material needs is to bring to him the happiness, and to let him have a happy unforgettable children's day, the real test is parents' creativity, parenting idea and the intention of love.

希 望 采 纳Statistical data show that children in China every year to over 30 in speed of the economy in growth.Children consume " high speed runs " under the environment of this,reporters found that ...