英语翻译 很急很急~~~~肯定有积分Mr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to a beautiful place to a beautiful place to spend their holidays. They had to be at the airport at eleven forty. "It'II take us half an hour to get there by taxi." Mr Wilson said, "so we all have to be ready by eleven o'clock. Nobody should be late." At ten to eleven by the clock on the wall they were all still busy getting things ready, except Mrs Wilson. She was sitting quietly on a


英语翻译 很急很急~~~~肯定有积分
Mr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to a beautiful place to a beautiful place to spend their holidays. They had to be at the airport at eleven forty. "It'II take us half an hour to get there by taxi." Mr Wilson said, "so we all have to be ready by eleven o'clock. Nobody should be late." At ten to eleven by the clock on the wall they were all still busy getting things ready, except Mrs Wilson. She was sitting quietly on a chair in the garden and enjoy the sun. Her husband and children were very surprised that she wasn't in a hurry. When the taxi came,Mrs Wilson said to them, “Well , l know that this was going to happen, so before l went to bed last night, l moved all our clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes. Now we can go to the airport and we don't have to worry about the time.”


Wilson一家准备在一个美丽的地方度过假期.他们必须在十一点四十到达机场.Mr Wilson说:"坐的士到机场需要30分钟,所以我们必须在11点准备好一切,任何人不准晚.11点差10分时,除了Mrs Wilson,其他人还在忙着准备.Mrs Wilson休闲的在花园里晒太阳.Mrs Wilson的不慌不忙令她的老公和孩子非常吃惊.当的士到达的时候,Mrs Wilson告诉他们:"我就知道会这样,所以昨天晚上我把闹钟调快了20分钟.现在我们可以去机场,而且不用担心时间.


先生和夫人威尔逊和他们的孩子们去一个美丽的地方,一个美丽的地方,用他们的假期。他们必须在机场于1140年。 " it'ii带我们一个半小时就到达出租车" 。韦敬辉说, "所以我们都必须准备就绪, 11时,没有人要迟到" 。截至10时50分由时钟上墙,他们都仍忙于把事情作好准备,除陈威尔逊。她静静地坐在一个椅子在花园里享受阳光。她的丈夫和孩子们感到非常惊讶,她不着急。当的士来了,陈奕信他们说: "好,升知道,这是要发生什么,所以一日前到床上,昨晚升提出我们所有的钟表提前了二十分钟。现在,我们就可以前往机场的,我们并不需要担心的时候" 。