英语翻译老板 耽误你几分钟 我想谈谈店内控制成本的问题 我是一位实习生,但作为公司的一员我认为我有责任向您提出以下的建议:我认为节约成本应该从细节做起,举个例子:每个部门办公都需要用笔,笔用完了不是换新笔而是换笔芯的话,一支可以节省1元,用1000支就可以节省1000元.还有一个小建议,每天我们都会有顾客的退货,我们应及时处理这些退货.举个例子,有新鲜的牛奶和冷冻食品退回的话,如果不及时及处理时间长了,这些商品都会变质,增加公司的运营成本和不必要的损失.这些只是我个人的拙见,谢谢你用宝贵的时间听我说


老板 耽误你几分钟
我想谈谈店内控制成本的问题 我是一位实习生,但作为公司的一员我认为我有责任向您提出以下的建议:

记得给分 打字很辛苦
Hello,boss,take up you a couple of minutes
I want to talk about something about your cost control in the shop.I am a apprentice,but I thought I have the responsible to give you following advice.
I think we should to save the cost from details.For example,each department needs pens to work.If we just change the core of the pen not the pen itself,we can save 1 Yuan each one.If 1000 pens are used,we could save 1000 Yuan.Another suggestion,if there are good returns,we should handle it right away.For example,if fresh milk or frozen foods are returned,if we could deal with them as soon as possible,they will go to bad,and this will increase the cost and lose for certain.
These are just my personal ideas,thank you for your time.Thanks!