这是Celina Macdonald写的一首短诗,欣赏短诗,Number 1 is where I live Number 2 is a very good cook Number 3 is watching TV Number 4 is reading a bookNumber 5 is in the showerNumber 6 is making teaNumber 7 looks out his blinds and saysNomber 1 is spying on me1.阅读短诗,找出诗中押韵的单词_______.2.整首诗用的主要时态是______.3.动词变成ing形式一般分为三种情况:一种是直接加ing,如speak-speaking_________;第二种是去e加ing,如take-taking_____________;第三种是双写字连辅音字母加ing,如swim-swimming____________.4.Number 5 is in the shower.这句话可用


这是Celina Macdonald写的一首短诗,欣赏短诗,
Number 1 is where I live
Number 2 is a very good cook
Number 3 is watching TV
Number 4 is reading a book
Number 5 is in the shower
Number 6 is making tea
Number 7 looks out his blinds and says
Nomber 1 is spying on me
4.Number 5 is in the shower.这句话可用现在进行是结构来表示_____________.

2.现在进行时;be doing
4.Number 5 is taking/having a shower