一篇关于中国人口的英语短文以下面的问题 来写篇短点越简单 越好的英语作文(但不能太简单)1.What is the population of China?(中国人口是多少)2.How many people live in the countryside?(多少人住在农村)3.Some parents in less developed areas prefer boys to girls,do not they?(在不发达地区有些家长重男轻女是么?)4.Can all Chinese families offer their chidren a good education?(所有中国家庭都能为他们的孩子提供良好的教育吗?)5.What is a comfortable life like?How can we make our livesmore comfortable?(舒适的生活是什么样的?我们如何能使生活更舒适呢?)


以下面的问题 来写篇短点越简单 越好的英语作文(但不能太简单)
1.What is the population of China?
2.How many people live in the countryside?
3.Some parents in less developed areas prefer boys to girls,do not they?
4.Can all Chinese families offer their chidren a good education?
5.What is a comfortable life like?How can we make our livesmore comfortable?

China has the largest population in the world.Now chinese population has reached 1.3 Billion,and 56% people live in the countryside.That is about 728 million,it's a huge number.Some parents in less developed areas still prefer boys to girls,and that is the main reason of the imbalance between male and female.Because of the poor economic situation,not all Chinese families can offer their chidren a good education.And more children have to leave in countryside to became famers that they don't want to be,that is not a comfortable life .I think a comfortable life should be like this:one can do job that he likes,and the job can offer him a good pay.so man can enjoy the job and enjoy the life.Obviously,we need to control the population
to make our lives more comfortable.