1.We'll be ready to leave at six.Well.Ralph___be back bythen,I think.答案是D为什么不选CA.ought B.can C.should D.must 2.This kind of dancing___India.答案是A为什么不选D 怎么翻译啊A.originated from B.originates by C.originated by D.originate from3.At the beginning of class,the students and the teacher ususlly___their greetings.答案是B为什么不选DA.change B.exchange C.changes D.exchanges4.They wished___a pleasant journey.答案是C为什么不选DA.to us B.for us C.us D.we


1.We'll be ready to leave at six.Well.Ralph___be back bythen,I think.答案是D为什么不选C
A.ought B.can C.should D.must
2.This kind of dancing___India.答案是A为什么不选D 怎么翻译啊
A.originated from B.originates by C.originated by D.originate from
3.At the beginning of class,the students and the teacher ususlly___their greetings.
A.change B.exchange C.changes D.exchanges
4.They wished___a pleasant journey.答案是C为什么不选D
A.to us B.for us C.us D.we

1在这句话里should与must的区别在于他们语气的强弱 从第一句话我们不难看出 这句话所想考的目的是 他的语气该很强硬 所以用mus最好 should的语气没有must的语气强烈
2 A与D的区别在于A是过去时而 D是现在时的 而且舞蹈应该是过去源于的 是过去时
3 学生的老师共同作主语 这是应该是复数形式
4 动词后的人称代词用宾格形式 we的宾格形式是us