我是一个初学生 不懂英语 现在写一篇英语日记 请懂的人看下有没有语法错误How to keep healthy I think healthy is very important to us.So,I taech everyone some method here. First,we should eat more fruit and vegetables. For example, apples,pears,bananas,potatoes and tomantes.Becase eat these for help to our healt. The, we should exerise everyday,tow.The best is running on the morning and we can piay basketball with our friends.Finnlr,the most important is keep good moos. I


我是一个初学生 不懂英语 现在写一篇英语日记 请懂的人看下有没有语法错误
How to keep healthy
I think healthy is very important to us.So,I taech everyone some method here.
First,we should eat more fruit and vegetables. For example, apples,pears,bananas,potatoes and tomantes.Becase eat these for help to our healt. The, we should exerise everyday,tow.The best is running on the morning and we can piay basketball with our friends.Finnlr,the most important is keep good moos.
I hope everyone can konw how to keep your healthy.

I think healthy(health用名词) is very important to(for) us.I taech(?是teach吗 ) everyone some method(methods) here.First,we should eat more fruit and vegetables(vegetable). apples,pears,banan...