在这种场合请不要大声说话 please don't talking loudly on these occadions 她们明天这个时候出发 they will be arriving on this time 和往常一样,我早上六点就起床了 as usual ,I gets up at six o'clock 妈妈说她明天去爱丽丝夫人的家 最后这句怎么翻译啊?还有大家帮我看下上面的3句,


在这种场合请不要大声说话 please don't talking loudly on these occadions 她们明天这个时候出发 they will be arriving on this time 和往常一样,我早上六点就起床了 as usual ,I gets up at six o'clock 妈妈说她明天去爱丽丝夫人的家 最后这句怎么翻译啊?还有大家帮我看下上面的3句,

有些语法错误,如第一个句子应该是don't talk,第二个句子应该是at this time, 第三个句子应该是I get up. 第四个句子可以翻译为, Mum said that she would go to Mrs. Alex's house tomorrow.

1.please don't talk loudly on this occasion.2.arriving改成setting off 句子最后加上tomorrow 3.as的a大写,gets改成get 第一人称一般现在时里谓语动词要用复数 4.(His/My/……)Mother said that she would go t...