求详解 1.get out of the bed the wrong way / get out of bed on the wrong side 2.give a stone for bre求详解1.get out of the bed the wrong way / get out of bed on the wrong side 2.give a stone for brea短语的释义.典故..用法等.谢.2.give a stone for bread


求详解 1.get out of the bed the wrong way / get out of bed on the wrong side 2.give a stone for bre
1.get out of the bed the wrong way / get out of bed on the wrong side
2.give a stone for brea
2.give a stone for bread

1。 指从早晨醒来心情就不好
2。 帮助是假愚弄是真

1.指心情不好,无缘无故发脾气.源于古罗马的迷信,说早晨下床时左脚先着地不吉利,而从左边下床通常是左脚先着地,所以是“wrong side".2.“给石头而不是面包”.指人家寻求帮助,不帮助反而作弄.源自圣经故事,但这不是原...