用适当的介词完成下列各句,使句子意思完整、通顺1.The heavy rain kept me _________ going to the cinema last night.2.People create mountains _________ rubbish every year.3.The clever boy put those flowers _________ the from of the letter"T".4.All roads lead ________ Rome.5.I am two years older than my brother and I often act ________ a teacher to help him with his lessons.6.Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the moon _________ atmosphere.7.You should ask your teacher _____


1.The heavy rain kept me _________ going to the cinema last night.
2.People create mountains _________ rubbish every year.
3.The clever boy put those flowers _________ the from of the letter"T".
4.All roads lead ________ Rome.
5.I am two years older than my brother and I often act ________ a teacher to help him with his lessons.
6.Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the moon _________ atmosphere.
7.You should ask your teacher _________ help if you have any problem.
8.This dress is different _________ that one.

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8 from