100分急求英语高手帮忙想一段关于地震的对话明天英语课上要用 要把关于地震的知识或者地震了该怎么做做成一段英语对话 四个人的对话.小弟感激不尽小弟我就这点分了小弟有礼了明天早上要用.哥哥姐姐们 我一共200多分我把悬赏提高到200分了 追加现在只能加40分了谢谢大哥大姐们....


明天英语课上要用 要把关于地震的知识或者地震了该怎么做做成一段英语对话 四个人的对话.
我把悬赏提高到200分了 追加现在只能加40分了

Residents, some of them injured, take shelter under a makeshift tent outside their houses after an earthquake hit in Nias island, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 29, 2005. The small Indonesian island bore the brunt of an 8.7-magnitude undersea earthquake that struck late Monday, burying an unknown number of people beneath their homes as they collapsed three months after a massive temblor in the same offshore region west of Sumatra sent tsunami waves crashing into a dozen countries on the Pacific Ocean's rim, killing more than 174,000. (AP Photo/Buyung Tjendra)
Residents sit near a house damaged by earthquake in Nias island, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 29, 2005. The small Indonesian island bore the brunt of an 8.7-magnitude undersea earthquake that struck late Monday, burying an unknown number of people beneath their homes as they collapsed three months after a massive temblor in the same offshore region west of Sumatra sent tsunami waves crashing into a dozen countries on the Pacific Ocean's rim, killing more than 174,000.. (AP Photo/Buyung Tjendra)

Residents carry a coffin of their relatives who was killed in the earthquake in Nias island, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 29, 2005. The small Indonesian island bore the brunt of an 8.7-magnitude undersea earthquake that struck late Monday, burying an unknown number of people beneath their homes as they collapsed three months after a massive temblor in the same offshore region west of Sumatra sent tsunami waves crashing into a dozen countries on the Pacific Ocean's rim, killing more than 174,000.. (AP Photo/Buyung Tjendra)

Residents of a fishermen colony gather water at a pipeline in the Nochikuppam area of Madras, India, Tuesday, March 29, 2005. Thousands of people returned to their homes along India's southern coast early Tuesday after fleeing in fear of a second tsunami in less than four months, prompted by a massive earthquake that struck in the Indian Ocean, officials said. In the background is the debris of houses that were destroyed by the Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami.
[Title]: "1976: Chinese earthquake kills hundreds of thousands"
[Subtitle]: "Hundreds of thousands of people are feared dead following an 8.3 magnitude earthquake in China. "
The quake has virtually destroyed the city of Tangshan, north-east of Beijing, and Western sources believe the death toll may be much higher than the official figure of 240,000. Some believe the figure is more like 750,000.
The * Royal Observatory reports the earthquake was intense although speculation of the magnitude of the quake ranges from 6.3 to 8.3.
Around 2,000 people are believed to have died when the quake devastated the city's biggest hospital, according to sources quoting Chinese officials.
"Any grave natural disaster can be overcome with the guidance of Chairman Mao." Spokesman for the Red Flag journal.
It is feared that many miners are buried alive in coal works in the industrial city, which has a total population of 1.6m.
Diplomatic observers say that up to 80,000 people died in the first shock of the natural disaster.
Up to 164,000 people have been severely injured, according to initial reports from the city.
Tangshan was at the epicentre of the earthquake, although it badly damaged Tientsin. Tremors were also felt in Beijing, where residents were urged to live in the streets and keep to open spaces as it is not thought to be safe to return to their homes in the city.
The force of the quake has been so strong that people are reported to have been thrown into the air after roads, bridges, railway stations, homes and factories were completely destroyed.
The quake has also knocked out power throughout the city, making rescue efforts difficult.
When the earthquake struck Tangshan at 0342 local time, more than a million people lay sleeping...

Residents, some of them injured, take shelter under a makeshift tent outside their houses after an earthquake hit in Nias island, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 29, 2005. The small Indonesian island bore the brunt of an 8.7-magnitude undersea earthquake that struck late Monday, burying an unknown number of people beneath their homes as they collapsed three months after a massive temblor in the same offshore region west of Sumatra sent tsunami waves crashing into a dozen countries on the Pacific Ocean's rim, killing more than 174,000. (AP Photo/Buyung Tjendra)

Earthquake IN YUNNAN(云南地震)
Q1: Have you learned that three people have been confirmed(确定) dead, and at least 300 injured(受伤) after a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck southwest Yunnan Province on Sunday.
A1:yes.The dead included a four-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed(倒塌) in the quake and buried(掩埋) them. The mother was rescued(拯救) but efforts to reach the boy failed.
Q2: When did this happen?
A2: The quake shook the old downtown area of Ning'er at 5:34 AM.
Q3: Oh, I see. And it seems that twenty seriously injured people have been transferred to(转移) the city's hospitals.
A3:Yes.The quake, which affected (影响)186,000 people in 35,000 households(家庭), also forced the evacuation(撤离) of 120,000 residents. Many residents had moved to public areas as their houses either collapsed or were damaged.
Q4: what measures has the governments taken?
A4: The government has allocated 1 million yuan for emergency relief(紧急救济). Rescue officials from the China Earthquake Administration have been dispatched to help local rescue efforts.The Yunnan government will budget(预算) 3 billion yuan for an anti-earthquake project that will benefit(受益于) one million poor families living in unsafe houses within 10 years. Every household can get 3,000 to 5,000 yuan of subsidies(补贴) for restoration(重建). The government sets a goal of making all rural residents' houses solid(坚固) enough to resist (抵御)earthquakes of 6.0 magnitude.
Earthquake IN YUNNAN
Q1: Have you learned that three people have been confirmed dead, and at least 300 injured after a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck southwest Yunnan Province on Sunday.
A1:yes.The dead included a four-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed in the quake and buried them. The mother was rescued but efforts to reach the boy failed.
Q2: When did this happen?
A2: The quake shook the old downtown area of Ning'er at 5:34 AM.
Q3: Oh, I see. And it seems that twenty seriously injured people have been transferred to( the city's hospitals.
A3:Yes.The quake, which affected 186,000 people in 35,000 households , also forced the evacuation of 120,000 residents. Many residents had moved to public areas as their houses either collapsed or were damaged.
Q4: what measures has the governments taken?
A4: The government has allocated 1 million yuan for emergency relief . Rescue officials from the China Earthquake Administration have been dispatched to help local rescue efforts.The Yunnan government will budget 3 billion yuan for an anti-earthquake project that will benefit one million poor families living in unsafe houses within 10 years. Every household can get 3,000 to 5,000 yuan of subsidies for restoration . The government sets a goal of making all rural residents' houses solid enough to resist

Earthquake IN YUNNAN(云南地震)
Q1: Have you learned that three people have been confirmed(确定) dead, and at least 300 injured(受伤) after a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck southwest Yunnan Province on Sunday.
A1:yes.The dead included a four-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed(倒塌) in the quake and buried(掩埋) them. The mother was rescued(拯救) but efforts to reach the boy failed.
Q2: When did this happen?
A2: The quake shook the old downtown area of Ning'er at 5:34 AM.
Q3: Oh, I see. And it seems that twenty seriously injured people have been transferred to(转移) the city's hospitals.
A3:Yes.The quake, which affected (影响)186,000 people in 35,000 households(家庭), also forced the evacuation(撤离) of 120,000 residents. Many residents had moved to public areas as their houses either collapsed or were damaged.
Q4: what measures has the governments taken?
A4: The government has allocated 1 million yuan for emergency relief(紧急救济). Rescue officials from the China Earthquake Administration have been dispatched to help local rescue efforts.The Yunnan government will budget(预算) 3 billion yuan for an anti-earthquake project that will benefit(受益于) one million poor families living in unsafe houses within 10 years. Every household can get 3,000 to 5,000 yuan of subsidies(补贴) for restoration(重建). The government sets a goal of making all rural residents' houses solid(坚固) enough to resist (抵御)earthquakes of 6.0 magnitude.

tom:hello,john,how are you?john:not really,i've just gone through an earthquake two days ago.tom:really?where were you when it happened?john:i was at my aunt's home,i was so scared.it was on the tenth...

Earthquake IN YUNNAN
Q1: Have you learned that three people have been confirmed dead, and at least 300 injured after a strong earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck southwest Yunnan Province on Sunday.
A1:yes.The dead included a four-year-old boy, who was sleeping with his mother when the earth-built walls of their house collapsed in the quake and buried them. The mother was rescued but efforts to reach the boy failed.
Q2: When did this happen?
A2: The quake shook the old downtown area of Ning'er at 5:34 AM.
Q3: Oh, I see. And it seems that twenty seriously injured people have been transferred to( the city's hospitals.
A3:Yes.The quake, which affected 186,000 people in 35,000 households , also forced the evacuation of 120,000 residents. Many residents had moved to public areas as their houses either collapsed or were damaged.
Q4: what measures has the governments taken?
A4: The government has allocated 1 million yuan for emergency relief . Rescue officials from the China Earthquake Administration have been dispatched to help local rescue efforts.The Yunnan government will budget 3 billion yuan for an anti-earthquake project that will benefit one million poor families living in unsafe houses within 10 years. Every household can get 3,000 to 5,000 yuan of subsidies for restoration . The government sets a goal of making all rural residents' houses solid enough to resist earthquakes of 6.0 magnitude.