需要答案和理由are these bags made --------- leather?A  in B out of2.there are many different  kinds of small bars on ------------ of this streetA each side B both side3.how do you operate the vacuum cleaner 这里的operate A work for Bwork on填空1.--------enjoyable  lives we hve with the TV sets (how或what)2.the seats on the trains are comfortable too(保持句意不变)the seats on the trains are comfortable ---------------        ----------------顺便再问一题----------the water in t


are these bags made --------- leather?
A  in B out of
2.there are many different  kinds of small bars on ------------ of this street
A each side B both side
3.how do you operate the vacuum cleaner 这里的operate
A work for Bwork on
1.--------enjoyable  lives we hve with the TV sets (how或what)
2.the seats on the trains are comfortable too(保持句意不变)
the seats on the trains are comfortable ---------------        ----------------
顺便再问一题----------the water in the freezer and you will get ice cubes,
A freezing B freeze