高中英语(一题)关于in order to和in order that的————understant how the human body works,you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. A.in order to B.in order that(横线上为什么要填in order to,“understant how the human body works”这个不应该是句子吗,为什么不用in order that)谢谢


高中英语(一题)关于in order to和in order that的
————understant how the human body works,you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. A.in order to B.in order that
(横线上为什么要填in order to,“understant how the human body works”这个不应该是句子吗,为什么不用in order that)

how the human body works是understand 的宾语从句

in order to do sth. 本句话为in order to understand (that) how the human body works.
how the human body works.为understand 的内容. 宾语从句修饰understand


that 后面是接句子的,而understant how the human body works是动宾结构

楼主,这两者都是引导目的状语,但in order to 后面是要跟动词的,而in order that后面跟从句.你看看,understand正是个动词.所以,只有确定了空格后面的部分句子结构完整,也就是说具备主谓成分才能使用in order that.