请问英语怎么表达飞机正在起飞 The plane is taking off.的意思好象是将要起飞,表达正在怎么办?The plane is on take off.


请问英语怎么表达飞机正在起飞 The plane is taking off.的意思好象是将要起飞,表达正在怎么办?
The plane is on take off.

不对,这句话表达的就是正在的意思 主语The plane 谓语动词is 宾语taking off是一个动词词组,ing是进行时的明显标志,The plane is going to take off 是飞机将要起飞的意思。

The plane is flying into the sky,这样就准确多了

The plane is taking off.将要起飞你可以用will或者be going to

be +doing 要表示将来时态只有当do是位移动词时才行
所以正在起飞是The plane is taking off .而The plane is on take off。当中on 是介词后接动词原型明显不对。